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Date Posted:01/26/2009 5:59 PMCopy HTML

From: fredalina (Original Message)

Discourage Chewing with the TTouch Method


I have read that TTouch (Tellington Touch) inside the mouth (on the gums, cheeks, and tongue) can actually reduce a dog's need to chew.


TTouch is a specialized form of touch therapy for animals.  You can find the official site here  The short version i learned is to take your hand, with fingers loosely bent, in a rough circle, place it lightly on your dog, and lightly move the skin in a circle, 1 1/4 circle long.  Start at 6:00 and end at 8:00.  Then pick your hand up and move it to a different spot.  Don't do the same circle over and over again in the same spot as that can cause bad friction.  But doing the 1 1/4 circle in different spots on the body can help relax an animal.  Different pressures are used for different situations, such as calming an animal who is injured versus calming an animal who is in labor versus calming an animal who has just been in a fight. 


Obviously if you do TTouch inside the mouth, you won't be able to use all 5 fingers at a time.  Just use 1 or 2, whatever is comfortable, and make light circles on the gums, inside the cheeks, on the tongue, etc.  Sneaker has not chewed (and she was a sofa chewer) since i've been doing TTouch in her mouth (which she LOVES by the way), but to be fair i only began when she was about 14 months old which is probably about the age she would have stopped chewing anyway.  But i do think it helped.


Linda Tellington has many books, videos, and seminars available.  Visit the site for more info.

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